Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm a blogger!

Am I really doing this? Blogging?? Never would I have imagined this as something I would attempt. But, lately, my good friend Amber (look ... I even linked to your blog!!) has been changing my mind. Most of you know I'm generally a shy person, so sharing my feelings/experiences with the world seems a little odd and embarassing, but I have realized from Amber that this is a great way of preserving memories ... seems that everyone's lives are so crazy busy these days, that the little special moments get lost in the shuffle. So, here I am, starting a family journal I guess, and I will be able to look back on it in the future and smile.

Where do I start? In the present. It seems way too overwhelming to blog the past. Maybe I'll throw in memories here and there, but for now, we'll start with today. Who knows, maybe this whole thing will only last a week. We'll see.

What's happening these days?

Wesley. He's almost 3 months old. 3 MONTHS! Time is flying by. It hasn't been without it's fair amount of challenges, but still I am shocked at the speed this mat leave is racing. He was fussy in the beginning. I'm pretty sure he was hungry. Our whole feeding situation has been stressful and VERY time consuming, but I'm hoping it's finally getting sorted out. He's happier now (obviously by his pic :) It's amazing to have a son. It was weird in the beginning, after being used to raising a daughter, but he's pretty easy to love, and a wonderful addition to our little family.

Julie. She's 2! She's beautiful :) She gives me at least 30 mini heart attacks each day. Fearless. I often wonder WWSD? (What would supernanny do? ... obviously) Discipline has been a struggle for me, partly because Julie doesn't listen, and I'm having a tough time deciding the 'right' way to go about doing things. Right now, we seem to be flying by the seat of our pants, but I think we need to lay down more established guidelines. She makes us laugh so often, kids do hilarious things. Today she had her baby with her at dinner, and was feeding her baby peas and letting her have sips of chocolate milk. The other day we were over at our neighbours house getting a tour, and Julie walked into the room I was in, dragging their (declawed) cat in a tight headlock behind her. Whoops!

Our life is crazy. Busy. We definitely didn't think we would end up having children this close in age ... it certainly has its challenges, but it's also great. Being a parent is so much fun (most of the time...). So looking forward to watching our kids grow.

This hasn't been so bad, didn't take me long to write all this. Now I feel like I have lots of things to talk about, but I will save them for little posts here and there. If I last, that is. Still feels weird to have a journal that everyone can look at. Maybe Amber will be the only one to read it, maybe Robbyn too, while she's procrastinating from school stuff.


  1. I'm so predictable... Love it though! Great idea :)

  2. I will add you to my RSS feed so I too will be reading ;). I hope I can meet your kids this summer. I will be at the lake in July.

  3. What is an RSS feed? I am not in the blogging world, and this is my 3rd attempt at posting a comment. BUT, I am happy to hear about you, Wesley, Julie and whatshisface at any opportunity. I can't wait to hear about your inlaws. All my love and support, Ali

  4. I love this Amie, we really appreciate having a place to see the kids grow... this is much nicer than facebook. Please keep it up.
    Amber and Shea

  5. I like it too, Amie. Keep us posted on all the funny things that Julie is doing. I laugh at her constantly when she's around. Very creative and spontaneous, and yes fearless is the word. Glad to see that parenting is fun for you. I found it to be very rewarding as well. Love you guys, Mom xxx
